and so it goes

And so it goes……Mother Nature forces us to move on. In my urban neck of the woods the streets are dry, the clatter of skateboarding is prominent and my son insists of wearing only a hoodie because “It’s sooo hot outside mom”! I still need gloves and...

Pet Peeves

I love my job! In fact I can’t even call it a “job” because of the joy I find in it everyday. My house is filled with warm delicious cooking aromas, I dance around the kitchen, there is no persnickity boss leering over my shoulder making cranky...

A Few Of My Favourite Things

Love is in my heart, in my kitchen, even in a greasy parking lot, watching your pal get out of a snow hole or the artisan garlic chopping board from my dad. I believe if it’s in your heart truly, you will see it everywhere.