Ok so I have to share my latest out of body experience!!! Alright maybe not that surreal but different and fun nonetheless. In my quest to take over the world one meal at a time you must try different things, learn different things, experience all or some aspects of my culinary industry. It started with education, acquiring proper credentials, constant recipe research and pursuit of culinary knowledge. Then I started cooking instruction which I enjoy immensely mostly because I like people I think and then the idea of being on a cooking show, somehow, somewhere seemed like the ultimate.

Then I got an email from my organization looking for submissions to a dinner party competition show for anyone who so felt inclined to try, touchdown!!! Soooo excited for the process, I read all the guidelines, submitted on line applications received emails asking for more which just egged me on. Finally I had to pull together a 15 minute video which had a series of questions which needed to be answered in a casual, non rehearsed manner. No easy feat.  As you may or may not know once that camera points at you and it’s “go” time the last thing you are is casual and “just yourself”. So I prepared my “cheat sheets” and had my wonderful daughter assigned to the task of video taping mom. Under her fresh eye, savvy youtube, facebook, narcissistic expert abilities I knew I had the best director in town at least one I could afford. We had a blast! We rehearsed, she gave amazing direction and advice she had the hand signals down, running out of time, slow down or pick up the pace whatever was required. For me it was a terrific exercise in “getting over myself” and finally indulging in a situation that I have been dreaming about. Pretending to have a cooking show. At the end of it I have determined my style, a little “Galloping Gourmet (female version) a little Jamie Oliver (love him!) and a lot of me. I have no expectations with this little exercise other than it was a lot of fun, brought my daughter and I even closer together and gave us a chance to get to know each other better. Fun. Really fun!!